Saturday 3 August 2013

Last Training Session Before I Start Work at Motilo! Friday 2nd August 2013

02/08/2013 Fifth Day of Apprenticeship!

Wooooooooo~ it was the last day of training before I officially start work at my workplace, Motilo! But I am back after next week for another week of training so meh. It was weird to think it was the last day, it felt like I've been here for months! Especially the people in my group, we've all bonded so well together in the last few days so it was quite sad to say goodbye, although we all knew we would see each other again the third week back. Sadly, it was a goodbye to Oliver who usually sits beside me but oh well, I know he's going for the best, to start work and earn money!

I don't exactly remember what we did during the morning till lunch, my memory has completely failed me. If I try thinking hard enough I'm sure I'll remember bits and pieces so give me a second to think...

(2 minutes later)

Hahaha I remember! Yes! It was another presentation!!! No surprise there! We were given some tips of what to do whilst we are at our workplace, and the questions to ask them. These are a few example of the tips we were told:

-Be punctual and be on time!
-Dress professional (although I was told by my line manager to wear whatever I want as it's very casual there) woooo~
-Take down managers contact details

We were also briefly taught on how to master the handshake! dun dun dun.. the secret is basically, not too soft but not too firm either, no sweat betty hands and to smile and give eye contact.

After lunch we did two group activities which were so much fun! The first activity we had to do was to think of a new product or service and produce a presentation to pitch our idea to the other group. My groups idea was super cool, it was called Ad-Vent and it's partnered with Youtube. It removes all the adverts from the Youtube videos and it can be downloaded as it's an app. The other groups idea was a car called Andern or something which is German for change. It was a hybrid which uses both electricity and petrol to move and it's eco friendly and is partnered with Samsung. The aim of the car's purpose was that the bonnet was able to change colours and can show advertisements too! Both ideas were very unique and very inventive and overall the activity was super fun. For the next activity, we all changed our groups. We had to rank from 1 to 15 on a group of items of importance to a sailor if we were to be on a boat at sea. We had to think really deep to try and match our answers as close to the answers of the real sailor and sadly, my group did not as well as we had thought we did. Sadface. Oh well, overall it was fun!

The last train home with the apprentices was hilarious but sad at the same time. We were all excited for starting work but we were sad as we wouldn't see each other again till the next next week. It was time for us to all part and say goodbye, but I know that when we all see each other again, we'll have so much to talk about so that'll be cool.

I am not exactly nervous but I am bit apprehensive for next week, but I'm sure I'll do just fine and hopefully will enjoy it!


Fourth day of APPRENTICESHIP! Thursday 1st August 2013

01/08/2013 4th Day of the Apprenticeship

ERR! Employee's Rights & Responsibilities! That was what we did the entire day! Reading, searching online and answering questions! From questions about maternity pay to self-employed rights, I answered gajjilion questions, I'm not even exaggerating! Thus there's not much to write about what happened today since I already just told you. ERR! It took me approximately from 9 ish to 5 to finish it all! (excluding lunch and breaks ofc xD)

Despite the long-ness of it all, I did learn quite important information for being an employee, I learnt more about my rights and the responsibilities I have for being a person at work. By reading and answering the questions, most of the information had really cemented to my brain so that tells me I am indeed learning. Coolbeans.


THIRD DAY OF MY APPRENTICESHIP! Wednesday 31st July 2013

31/07/2013 3rd Day of the Apprenticeship

Today we went through a presentation about safeguarding.

Safeguarding: the duties and responsibilities with the aim to prevent individuals from harm, as well as encouraging and providing health, safety and environmental procedures.

It was very interesting to learn about safeguarding I must admit. It taught me about the various problems that can occur within a professional work environment, and ways of dealing with them, regardless if they are your own or another persons problem. 

There are different types of harm that exists in this cruel world such as: sexual, physical, emotional and neglect. I learnt that it can be very hard for an individual to firstly, admit that they may have a problem and secondly, whether to tell someone about it or keep it to themselves; alone to suffer in silence. For a person who is employed especially, their problems can potentially affect the work ethic thus it's very important for them to be able to confide in someone to help them. We were also taught about the importance of keeping personal information regarding their problems confidential, however there are always cases when other people such as the police, social services, other people from a higher hierarchy in the work place have to be contacted about the situation for the best for the individual suffering.

Today, we also learnt about various Google operators that help make online searching easier and much quicker. It's funny that I have used Google to search loads of things my entire life, but I was oblivious of the existence of the Google shortcuts! WHY DIDN'T NO ONE TELL ME THIS EARLIER?! Of course, I knew a few already such as: Define: and the conversion of number measurements, but there were so many shortcuts I didn't know about! Well, it doesn't matter because I know them now!!! Muahaha. xD

We were told by Waleed to make a tinsy report on five various Google Shortcuts, which includes an introduction which briefly informs you what the report consists of, the body of the report which are the five different examples of the Google shortcuts, the summary which summarises everything I stated in the body of the report into a few lines and lastly a conclusion which is what I personally think of the Google shortcuts. 

Google Shortcuts

This report will cover an example of 5 techniques that can be used on Google, making online searching much more practical and easier.

1.       Search Query example”
This technique is used when users want to find any information revolving a specific word or phrase, dismissing all other related searches. It uses inverted commas to indicate to the search engine that they are precisely looking for information that only relates to the searched term. Using the search query technique, for example, if I were to type in the search bar Galaxy Chocolate without inverted commas, there are a total of 15,800,000 searches that come up which vary from the chocolate bar brand, galaxy space and other chocolate bars. However, if I were to type in “Galaxy Chocolate”, the total of searches reduces down to only 1,020,000 results; that’s nearly majority of all the results gone. Thus this entails that the search query technique will definitely aid users helping save time and effort, especially to those specifically looking for results for a particular brand, name, product and etc.

2.       Exclude a Word  -example
This technique allows users to have control over their searches, by being able to take away particular subjects that may also be included in the  results. For example, if I wanted to search for apple; specifically the apple brand and not the fruit, I would type in the search bar, apple –fruit. This will indicate to the search engine that Yes, I do wish to find all searches on the word apple, but not on the fruit.

3.       Search within a Site  site:example of the site address ‘ word
This technique is for users who have a specific website that they need to look for results. For example, site: ‘chocolate, this will indicate that the specific website I want to search for the specific word chocolate is in the Dailymail and no other websites.

4.       Search for a Number Range
From a range of different numbers such as ages, dates, prices, measurements and etc, this technique will allow users to search for items between  two sets of numbers for example, camera £50..£100. By separating the two numbers with two full stops indicates that we want results of a camera that is priced from £50 to £100 and not just £50 and £100 separately.

5.       Definition of a word Define: example
When wanting to find a definition of a word, the easiest way is to go on Google and to type Define: chocolate, I have used chocolate as an example and the first result that should pop up is the term chocolate written in bold with the definition just below it. This allows users to quickly search online the definition of a word without having to check a dictionary.

Overall, each of the five search operators all serve a different purpose that help make searching online easier. The search query technique aims to reduce all searches of a word or phrase to its minimum, to enable to find what you’re looking for more quickly. The excluding a field technique which uses the minus sign, enables users to search something and be able to take away a field they know may be included in the results, this allows the users to easily find what they’re looking for more easily and accurately. As for the searching within a site technique, this reduces search results of a word/phrase to one website. The searching within a number range consists of a search, which also includes the two numbers within the search of the item.  Lastly, the definition of a word technique used on Google enables users to quickly find the definition of a word.   
In my opinion, the multiple search operators available to use on Google are very useful; they indeed reduce the time and effort of the user in this case, myself, when searching online. They allow me to not only quickly, but in no time find the result I was specifically searching for. They reduce the results by thousands thus enabling me to easily find what I’m looking for.


2nd Day of my Apprenticeship ~ Tuesday 30th July 2013

Back to present day

30/07/2013 2nd Day of my Apprenticeship
Another day finished in the Arch Agilisys building! Today there were a bunch of presentations we went through. Firstly, we went though Health and safety in the work place. I always knew about the general health and safety in a working environment, but being able to discuss and talk about it as a group made me more aware of the dangers and how important it is for a person, especially if they are new to the working environment to understand more In depth and learn about the regulations of health and safety.

Fire procedures were one of the few topics within health and safety we were educated on.

Ever since primary school till College ,I was always told by teachers that whenever we were to hear the fire alarm to go off to always line up and head straight to the fire exits. And as the fire alarm continued to ring its shrilling cry, everyone would all be outside treating the 30 minutes wait as a bonus break thus went to find their friends and socialised. We all wondered why we had to wait outside in the rain for almost 30 minutes, as we all secretly knew that the fire alarm had went off either because of burnt toast from the English department, or some silly kid had just hit the fire alarm for fun. Thus we never ever treated the ringing of the fire alarm seriously because it would never be a real fire, as much as we had hoped to see our school burn down so we never had to go in ever again. I’m going  off track but basically, the point I was hoping to convey through my little anecdote was that throughout my entire education life, we were never really taught about the consequences and the importance of why we go through the procedures we go through when the fire alarm does go off. Therefore, going through the presentation today and watching the film clip of a fire, has finally after all these years made me realize and understand why we never faff about for our personal belongings, delay any time to head straight to the fire exit and the importance of signing in and out in the log in book.

The second half of the presentation was about first aid. I learnt that even the smallest of cuts should be reported to our first aider, as it’s better to make the first aider aware that you have been hurt which may have not been your fault; it could have been the cause from a product or electrical device that may have been faulty, thus can be replaced to avoid any future problems.

I have learnt that it’s not only our employer’s duty, but everyone including ourselves to ensure the health and safety of our work area and everyone in it. If we were to find any possible hazards, also known as a near miss; an incident with potential to cause some sort of harm, we are to immediately tell our trainer or any member of staff to get it sorted out, thus preventing any accidents that may occur from it. The presentation has made me realised that any of actions, small or big, can cause harm to another individual for example, if I were to be stressed about an upcoming test and unconsciously started to play with the computer wires as they provided me with some sort of comfort, the consequences of my actions could potentially cause another individual to trip over and hurt themselves. Therefore, it’s very important to be aware of our surroundings and to observe our work space to check whether it is safe to work in.

After lunch, we took a break from all the presentations which we would soon resume back too sooner or later and played a memory game! The game helped all of us avoid nodding off to sleep which happened ‘a lot’ yesterday after lunch time. We played the ‘I went to the market and bought…’ hahaha xD just thinking about it makes me laugh, it just reminds me how competitive I can get sometimes. It was interesting to learn how we all remember things, for me, I learn by associating words with pictures. For every single word I recited I had to point at the individual that had said it, and no, I was not being intentionally rude and just pointing because pointing is rude! It just helped activate and stimulate my brain to remember the long sequence of words.  I am proud to say I was the third runner up in the first round! As for the second round, I did just as great…..not. ;D We then did another memory activity which involved us looking at a set of words on the board for 15 seconds (which was hard for me especially since I’m practically blind) and after had to write down as many words we could remember. We did this twice, the first set of words were all jumbled across the page and the second set of words, were all organised under sub headings. Such a simple game has taught me how easy it would be for me to revise and memorise if I were to organise everything into sections. My life is now officially sorted.

The last presentation we went through was titled Equality and diversity.

My definition of Equality and diversity: Each person is treated fairly and given equal opportunity regardless of their race, background, gender and disability.

Under the equality and Diversity act 2010 which covers many areas such as: bullying and harassment, age discrimination, civil partnerships, sexual orientation, gender identity and religion or belief, it has underpinned the importance of a work environment free from all the elements as listed, to not be used against individuals who work within the work place or are being interviewed for work.

Today’s session has been very overwhelming with the amount we had to take in but it has been very interesting to learn and to listen to. Towards the end of the day we were told that we would have to start a blog, and record down the day to day events of our apprenticeship! So here I am writing up this blog post at the moment and I am very much enjoying every minute! It’s almost like a diary, well a digital diary of what has happened; it’ll help remind me of what I have learnt that day, as well as make a great book to be published in the near  future so that’s cool.


Thursday 1 August 2013

My First Day at Training !! Monday 29th July 2013

It’s the second day of my apprenticeship and it’s one of the requirements for us to make a blog! Well, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a blog, it could be a video clip or….(thinks hard) …(gives up). Basically, just something that provides evidence that I’ve been learning about stuff! But not just any old stuff, the important stuff for example: health and safety, equality and diversity, time management, the industry, my career path and many other things that I’m soon going to learn… Hooray!

This blog will be a document that I will be continuously updating throughout my whole apprenticeship. It’ll be a record of my entire journey from day 1 to day ‘whenever I finish’ of the events that occurred on the day, what I have learnt, done and achieved.


Now let us all go back in time!

29/07/2013 1st Day of my Apprenticeship
Righty O, I’m writing this a day after the day has actually happened so… WARNING:  events recorded for today may not be as detailed and clear due to my little hippocampus, so apologies for that. However, I’m sure who ever is going to read this (aka You! Yes, you right there) who will continue to read this will get the general jist of what happened today (or yesterday to be exact!) J

I was the earliest to arrive so I had first dibs on any computer plus the chair that comes free with it, so I was happy and thus optimistic of the following events that would occur that day. We did the boring paper stuff first and got that done and out the way, then followed the typical introduce your partner game in which beside me seated Oliver.  Luckily, I had met and spoken to him already in the reception earlier, thus we were already acquainted with each other; so talking to him was easy and it allowed me to get to know him better which was cool. These were the actual things I had written down of what I had learnt about Oliver:

-Ollie, 16 and left school
-Joker in the group
-Football (West Ham)

We  then had to report back to the entire group about what we had learnt about the other person, thus it allowed the entire group to get to know each other better and familiarise ourselves with the new names and new faces. The people in my group are really friendly and great to get along with, we were all around the same age range so the fact that we were all going in the same direction with our apprenticeships was awesome; this meant that we could easily relate to one another. There are a total of 9 of us, a small yet varied pack of people, just like a multipack of crisps!

The main topic for that day was learning more about the industry and our career paths. As my apprenticeship revolves around Digital Marketing, I had to search online of the jobs that were available for me which consisted of many things such as: Social Media executive, digital marketing manager, SEO manager and etc. We then as a group discussed more about our chosen paths and the things we needed to do to become successful, for example: what we would all hopefully achieve and get out from our apprenticeships and how it would benefit us in the future, as well as learning about how we all will gain a new set of skills through out our apprenticeship and mature as employees.

After our discussion, it made me realise the pros of being a part of Arch and how they have provided me with so much support, resulting me becoming more comfortable and confident to pursue an apprenticeship. I’m very happy with my choice of choosing to do an apprenticeship in my gap year before heading to Uni. I’m certain that this opportunity will enable me to grow and mature as a young working employee from a student, improve my skills and qualities and overall help me become the best version of myself possible.
The only thing I remember from that day after our extremely long discussion and presentation from Waleed, my trainer, about the industry and how it works was the last activity we did before the entire day was finished. The game was to decide between you and your partner on the 10 items you would take with you if you had to live on a deserted island!!!! A fun game to end a very long day! Haha xD My partner, Munpreet, and I thought realistically and logically, no silly business and thought hard about our 10 items we would take on our adventure. These were the items we agreed upon:

1. rope
2. chickens
3. cows
4. axe
5. horse
6. medicine
7. pigs
8. shelter/tent
9. seeds

After that we were all free to go and sleepily make our way back home! Home sweet home!


Day 1 was overall great, the people are great, my tutor is great and the presentations were also great…they were quite long, very long actually and it definitely did not make me nod off at all. However, they were no doubt very informative though and have taught me more in depth about the industry and what I could be potentially working towards to! Sadly my body and mind has yet to adapt to the gruelling hours from 9 to 5, but I’m sure I’ll get use to it sooner or later !!